How To Manifest Anything Overnight (Steps That Really Works)

Patricia Leonard
19 min readSep 23, 2021


So you want to know how to manifest anything overnight using the law of attraction? I believe your answer is YES!!

A lot of people have been in this same state of wanting to manifest something really fast and have tried as many manifestation techniques as they laid their hands on and saw no results.

Surprisingly, this has made a lot of people give up on the manifestation process. If you happen to be among those thinking the Law of Attraction and manifestation doesn’t work as they say, then pay close attention.

What I’m about to reveal to you in this article will help you get back on the right path and start manifesting your heart desires quickly. It is a NO BS!! guide to manifesting whatever you want overnight.

When I say manifesting, I mean manifesting things in as little as an hour. And YES!! I said that. And also NO!! I am not going to promise you that you’ll be able to manifest that new house, weight loss, thousands of dollars, a text from someone, your ex back, or even anything I have not mentioned here in just minutes.

What I am saying is that you’ll be able to go out there and speedily manifest your heart desires with the best-proven techniques ever. Techniques that have worked for a whole lot of people including me and are still working right now.

I’ll advise you to read this article till the very end because you will be getting a well-detailed guide on how to manifest anything into your life overnight using the law of attraction.

If you prefer to watch a shorter video that’ll show you how to manifest anything you desire with very powerful manifestation techniques then Click Here to watch the special video.

Before I take you through the steps to manifesting whatever you want in your life within a short period of time, I’ll first have to give you a basic understanding of what the manifestation is.

What Is Manifestation?

Manifestation is the process of using words thoughts, feelings, and emotions to intentionally create something in life that you desire.

The manifestation process helps people create a change in their lives and in their surroundings. It's almost magical and the results could be overwhelming most times.

Manifestation follows a simple three-step process which is Ask, Believe, and Receive. This process helped us understand how the Law of Attraction works. It is also the process of bringing what you want to your life.

1. Ask

This simple step involves asking what you want from the universe. It helps you become clear about what you really want in your life.

2. Believe

After asking, you must believe that what you have asked from the Universe will become yours. This step is very crucial and a lot of people fail at this particular step. If you have failed before then keep reading because you are about to learn the right way to manifest quickly.

3. Receive

As you may have thought already, this is the step where you receive what you asked for. Yes, it is but before even receiving, an important aspect of this step is feeling the sensations that you have already received what you asked for.

8 Steps to Manifesting Anything Overnight

Basically, there are 8 steps to manifesting whatever you want in your life. All these steps will work for you no matter the thing you are trying to manifest.

I starting using them to manifest things when I was much younger and I still use them to date. The reality of life is that our needs or wants never seem to get exhausted.

I will also go into specific techniques to manifest some very common things I believe that affect a huge fraction of people in the world today. This will give you more insights into using the simple proven eight-step process.

All the techniques I will share will help you manifest things I have written down and of course things I haven't written in this article. Irrespective of your heart desires you will find these steps to be the final stop solution to manifesting things into your life.

1) Be grateful for what you have

Being grateful for the things, you already have puts you in the right mindset to manifest more.

This is something often neglected by people.

Most people are very caught up with their thoughts of lacking one thing or the other. They constantly compare themselves with others which puts them in very negative positions.

It is ok to feel a sense of lack but the problem is dwelling in this for too long without recognizing the fact that you have something you once wished for.

There was a certain in my life when I wished I had a MacBook Pro. My eyes kept on catching glimpse of this device since I desired it and to be honest, I felt kind of envious whenever I saw someone who owned a MacBook Pro.

I became determined to manifest this device and in less than 6 months I was able to manifest my very own MacBook Pro. At first, I was very excited about it but I soon forgot about it and concentrated all my energy and focus on my new lack.

This is the mistake a lot of people make today. Instead of taking a moment to be grateful for the Haves, they concentrate only on the Have Nots.

For you to manifest anything you want in your life with lightning-bolt speed, you have to correct your mindset by first being grateful for those things you once wished for that have already been manifested.

That way, you’ll unconsciously send a message to the universe that you are living in abundance and you are ready for more. An effective way to get this done is to start gratitude journaling.

2) Specify what you want to manifest in your life

Choose what you want to manifest in your life and make sure it is realistic.

The very next thing to do after practicing gratitude is to choose your goals or desires carefully. You should make sure that it is as realistic as possible so you know it can be manifested.

When choosing something you want to manifest in your life, you should make it realistic, measurable, and achievable so that you can track your progress. The reason is that the Law of Attraction respects all other laws of the Universe including the laws of gravity, polarity, cause, and effect, relativity, and all other laws.

You can’t expect to manifest something that literally goes against another law of the universe. For example, you can’t expect to manifest the ability to fly when you were not originally designed to fly. All the things you plan on manifesting should be something very reasonable and realistic.

You should also be aware of the possibilities of manifesting a certain thing into your life. If you do not have any income-generating source, it is totally unrealistic to say you want to manifest $1000 overnight.

Another thing you should put into consideration when choosing what you want to manifest is being specific. It is not enough to just ask the Universe for a car, a job, a new apartment, or a trip to another country.

You have to specify so the Universe knows what you want. If you choose to manifest a new car, but you don’t know exactly which one, you will subconsciously send mixed signals to the Universe. These mixed signals may eventually have you manifest a new car from one of your worst car brands.

  • For example, if you just say,” I want a different life,” The Universe doesn’t have enough information to work with. A different life could mean becoming wealthy and famous, but it could also mean losing your home, job and eventually becoming miserable.
  • If you specify to The Universe about what you want to be different, such as a job that allows me to explore my musical creativity or a condo in Miami,” The Universe will arrange everything to go in your favor.

3) Write down your desires and keep them safe

Write down all you want to manifest and keep them safe.

After wisely choosing what you want to manifest in your life, the very next step is to get them written down. You can choose to write it out in a journal or digitally on your phone or computer. Whatever works best for you.

When it comes to writing out the things you want to manifest, there are basically three ways you can do it.

  1. Goal-setting method: This way is actually the most common way of writing down what you want to manifest. It involves writing the things you which to manifest in a journal as goals to be achieved.
  2. Scripting method: This is a manifestation exercise that is ideal for people who aren’t that good at visualization. It involves writing in detail about the kind of life they want and doing so as if it has already manifested. It uses a lot of present tenses to refer to desires.
  3. Vision board method: This method is similar to the goal-setting method. But in this case, the goals are represented using pictures, images, and quotes. This is actually my favorite way of writing out my heart desires.

While it is great to write the things you desire to manifest in a journal, I have found that using a vision board has been one of the best ways to also put your desires out to the Universe and it works great.

A vision board is more like a visual representation of your goals and desires. Keeping a vision board is more like my favorite way to write down the things I want to manifest in my life.

I’ve found that your subconscious mind does well with images than written text. When you visualize things, your mind tends to materialize images, pictures rather than written words.

This part is totally up to you to decide. You could choose to just write them down(which is totally fine) but, you can go the extra mile to make a vision board to even help your visualization process.

If you are still unsure what a vision board is, you can check out this article on how to make a vision board. It’ll show you everything you need to know about vision boards and how to make them work for you.

In the case of using a journal, you have to find somewhere safe to keep it after writing down your desires. Some people prefer to keep it under their pillow so they can easily access it.

Where to keep it is totally up to you. Just make sure that it is very accessible and safe at the same time.

4) Visualize what you want

See yourself achieving what you want to manifest by using visualization techniques.

For you to actually manifest your heart desires quickly, it is necessary that you are able to create mental images of your desires happening already in your mind.

The visualization techniques have been used by highly successful people to visualize their desired outcomes and dreams for a very long time. This practice even seems to be like some kind of superpower possessed by these individuals.

Visualization activates your creative subconsciousness which will start generating creative ideas to help you achieve your goals. It activates the Law of Attraction which in turn, attracts the right people, and situations you will need to manifest what you want.

For some people, visualization is kind of a hard thing to do. In order to develop your ability to visualize properly, you’ll have to consistently go through some visualization exercises that will help you master the art of visualization.

Here are some visualization exercises you can start using right away.

  1. Find a photograph(anyone will do), and take your time to analyze the details of the photograph. After doing this, you can then close your eyes and try recreating the picture that you have just seen. Try as much as possible to remember all the details in the picture. You may suck at it the first time, but keep on trying till you get really good at recreating images in your mind.
  2. The next exercise will be a little more challenging than the first. In the exercise, you are to get an object like a cup and memorize its details. After doing this, you then have to close your eyes once again and try recreating the image in your mind but this time, you’ll have to play with the image a little. Try rotating the image in your mind in 3d form and even move the object over other things like to a table, to the ground and be as manipulative as possible.
  3. The third exercise is pretty much tougher than the second. In this exercise, you have to do exactly what you just did in the second exercise. The only difference here is that you will have to recreate this image in the real world while opening your eyes. Don’t forget to be manipulative too. Many people will find this very difficult while others will find it relatively easy to perform.
  4. The fourth exercise is the fun part of it all because this is where your image comes to play. In this exercise, you have to bring a mental location of somewhere you love to be (beach, boat cruise, Paris). It could really be anywhere. After mentally create this image, the next step is to bring yourself into this location and begin to feel every single detail (the breeze, sound of birds…) Make sure that this mental image is as vibrant and strong as possible.
  5. The final exercise here is to repeat the fourth exercise but this time, you have to begin interacting with the environment around you. Sit on certain surfaces, pick up things, and even make facial expressions. This exercise may be the most difficult of all but when you master this, It’ll not only become more fun to do but you’re well on your way to manifesting your heart desires quickly.

5) Practice visualization and affirmations before bed

Practicing visualization before you sleep is a very effective manifestation technique.

A very good time to practice your visualization techniques is just before going to bed. Making visualization the last thing you do before sleeping will help your subconscious mind work on your heart desires even when you are sleeping.

Taking time every night to meditate or practice positive affirmations will help speed your manifestation process. This technique has worked for many highly successful people and will definitely work for you too.

When you are about to fall asleep, you fall into a state called the hypnagogic state. This is an experience that transitions you from wakefulness to actually unconsciousness which is eventually sleeping.

In this state, you are partially awake and your subconscious is very much active. Everything you think of will dominate your subconscious mind at this point and will eventually stick with it when you finally fall asleep.

If you spend the very last hour of your evening, practicing the visualization technique I mentioned above or practicing affirmations and meditation, you will most definitely put your subconscious to work on manifesting your desires as fast as possible.

There are even occasions when your desires will replay in your sleep and you may even have lucid dreams about them. This is actually a good thing and a positive sign that what you want to manifest is coming very soon.

Another way to visualize before going to bed is by making use of your vision board. You will be able to aid your visualization better by using a vision board because it is already a visual aid.

When practicing visualization, you may want to try one thing at a time because you wouldn't want to go all-in trying every single technique before bed. One is enough to help you see results.

6) Visualize every morning

Visualize in the morning and start your day with positive affirmations.

As effective as practicing visualization right before bed, practicing it as the first thing when you are awake is also powerful. This will help you detach yourself from any form of negative for you begin your day.

Before you wake every day, you also go through a state similar to that of the hypnagogic state but this is the inverse called hypnopompic state. It is the transitional state from sleep to consciousness.

It is equally powerful and anything your mind conceives at this state has a high chance of staying in your mind the whole day. Immediately you wake in the morning and you seem to be battling with sleep and consciousness, this is the right time to practice visualization.

After practicing this, you will feel prepared for the day ahead and will eventually manifest something you have been trying to manifest for a very long time. It really works like a charm.

Brief story, I can still remember when I manifested my first $1000 in a single day from my online store. It was $1134 specifically and I was overwhelmed. I was able to manifest this in less than 60 days of starting my online store.

I had only practiced this manifestation technique for a few weeks and I was also putting in a lot of work to manifest that money in my business and I woke up on a Thursday morning just to find my first $1000+ in my online store.

Here’s a quick disclaimer, I didn’t just manifest this by just using all the techniques I listed in this article and sat down doing nothing. I took some form of action to help manifest my desire.

7) Have faith/belief that you’ll manifest

Belief is a manifestation fuel. Without believing, it will never manifest.

One major problem people face when it comes to manifestation is that they do all other things needed to manifest whatever they want but they have doubts in their minds.

In the Ask, Believe and Receive principle in the Law of Attraction, you will see that belief is what connects your asking and your receiving together. Without believing that you will manifest something you will not manifest it.

The first step to believing that you are going to manifest something overnight is to first clear all the doubts you have about it. This will help you get quicker results.

  • For example, if you want to manifest a new Mercedes Benz car, you have to first clear every doubt that you are not good enough to own a car even if your parents never had one. You also have to clear any other mental blocks you may have that may stop you from manifesting the car (this includes people doubting you)

Another very important thing is to stay positive. Try as much as possible to stay in environments and do things that raise your vibration and prepares you for big manifestations.

8) Act as if you have already achieved what you want

Fake it till you make it. Act it till you manifest it.

This goes hand-in-hand with believing. When you already believe that you will manifest whatever it is you want, you can now act as if you have already manifested it.

This step is something the majority of people often struggle with. The reason is that it is easy to feel something when it is already happening rather than trying to act as if it is already happening.

If you just manifested $10,000 for the first time in your life, you don‘t need anyone to teach you how to feel about it, but it may be much harder to do that when you don’t already have it.

According to Dr. Joe Dispenza, you have to understand that the mind doesn't understand the difference between an actual feeling you get when something happens and the feeling you create by yourself.

This is why it is important to try as much as possible to act and feel that you have already manifested whatever you need. This will condition your mind for abundance and will eventually help you manifest what you need faster.

How to Manifest Your Ex Back Overnight

how to maniest your ex back overnight

As I mentioned, all the 8 steps above will guide you on the right path to manifesting whatever you want as quickly as possible and that includes manifesting your ex back into your life.

But when trying to manifest your ex back in your life, you have to be well aware of the situations around you. In order words, you have to be realistic. Do not ignore any obstacle that you may have while trying to manifest your ex back.

  • A good example is trying to manifest your ex that is already married to someone else. This is not realistic because you definitely wouldn’t manifest him/her. Even if this could happen, you wouldn’t be on the right path. Also, remember that the Law of Attraction is not meant for manipulating people.

To be very sure you are making a good decision trying to manifest your ex back, you have to first make a list of all the obstacles blocking you from manifesting your ex, and then you will know if going after him/her is worth it.

Another thing you have to do when trying to manifest your ex back is using affirmations specifically for manifesting your ex. Here are some examples of affirmations you can use to manifest your ex back.

  • I’m so happy my ex has forgiven me for the past.
  • I have fully forgiven my ex for the past.
  • I love my ex and I’m so glad that we are back together.
  • My ex is thinking about me 24/7.
  • My ex is missing me from the moment they wake up to the very moment they go to sleep.
  • My ex wanting to get back to me right now.
  • I am the only person my ex can see their future with.
  • My ex is obsessing over me right now.
  • My ex is deeply in love with me.
  • My ex is constantly trying to make me happy.
  • My ex feels like I am the best thing that has happened to them.
  • My ex is strongly attracted to me.
  • My ex’s attraction for me is increasing every second.
  • My ex wants to spend every second of their life with me.
  • My ex feels good in my presence.

There is a saying that you can only give what you have. You need to have self-love for you to give and receive love from anybody including your ex. You must see yourself worthy of receiving love again from your ex.

This will work when you take away all the negativity that no one loves you and give yourself all the love that you deserve. You will be surprised how fast this will help you manifest your ex back within a short period of time.

How to Manifest Money Overnight

how to manifest money overnight

The same 8 steps I listed above will help you manifest money but you have to focus on numbers 2 and 4 of the steps to see the super-fast manifestation.

Like I already mentioned above, you have to be specific about the amount of money you want to manifest at a particular time. It could be over a $1000, $10,000, $100,000 or even $1,000,000. You can manifest any amount but you must be very specific.

You also have to make sure that you are as realistic as possible(this can not be over-emphasized). You can’t decide to manifest 1 million dollars under 48 hours when you have no source of income at all. That doesn’t work at all!!

  • A more realistic example is trying to manifest $10,000 when you have a source of income that generates $3000 - $8000 a month. In this case, you want to manifest something more realistic which can make you take action by putting all the effort that eventually leads to manifesting that kind of money overnight.

Apart from being realistic, you should also be aware of all the money blocks or obstacles that may stop you from manifesting the exact amount of money you need. This will even ease the process of receiving your money.

If you usually receive money through your bank account directly, your PayPal, or any other payment system, you have to make sure they are in a good and working state because you wouldn’t want to manifest $10,000 into a banned PayPal account or a bank account that has some technical issues. It makes more sense to clear the path way for your money to come without any hindrance.

Another thing you would want to do to help you manifest money overnight is using money affirmations together with your visualization techniques. Here are some money affirmations you can use right away.

  • I am financially free.
  • I have more than enough money.
  • Money is abundant to me.
  • I always have enough money to fulfill my needs.
  • The universe provides enough money for everyone.
  • I can become financially free.
  • Financial freedom is not just a dream; it will be my reality.
  • I have more money than I could ever spend.
  • I am what a wealthy person looks like.
  • I choose to stay focused on abundance no matter what.
  • I always have more than enough for everything I need.
  • I am rich

You can also check out this list over other 250+ money affirmations that will help you manifest money fast.

How to Manifest Someone to Text You Overnight

how to manifest someone to text you overnight

Manifesting a text from someone is no different than manifesting your ex back, manifesting money, manifesting a new job, or anything else. You need to once again follow the 8 steps I listed earlier because it works wonders.

Manifesting a text from someone still depends on many factors which include your limiting beliefs. If you don’t believe you will ever manifest a text from that person, then chances are it would never happen.

The visualization process works best for this type of request. You would want to visualize using your phone. It is also necessary you add lots of details to your visualization.

Try to visualize how long the text will be. Does it have emoji? Is it coming in the morning or at night? What is the content of this text? Your visualization will eventually become your reality and you will watch your phone ring soon with a text from that person.

If you still want to see watch the video that shows people how to manifest whatever they desire using a very powerful manifest technique then you can Click Here to watch the video.

Final Words on Manifesting Overnight

If you are still reading this, then I’m glad you stopped by to learn how to manifest anything overnight.

I also hope you use the techniques and tips I shared in this article to get the results you’ve long been waiting for.

If you are a beginner in manifesting, I’ll advise that you read this article twice and be very patient in your manifestation process. Everything is not just going to happen in just a few hours or just the next day.

You have to also understand that everyone is different and for that reason, our manifestation results will differ. You are unique so expect unique manifestation results.

Let me also add that if you planned to manifest anything let’s say a text from someone if it doesn't work out overnight, then you don’t have to give up. Just keep on trying.

You would still be happy if you manifest that thing even if you get it much later than you planned initially. You wouldn’t reject $10,000 in cash just because it came in a month later than you planned for it.

Thanks for reading once again and cheers

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Patricia Leonard
Patricia Leonard

Written by Patricia Leonard

A very passionate teacher and entrepreneur. I help people of all works of life get a positive mindset and create the life they desire.

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